N1500FT Flow Indicator - Panelmeter | Tesla Kontrol
Ana Sayfa Kurumsal Ürünler Katalog Blog İletişim 0216 364 02 10
N1500FT Flow Indicator - Panelmeter - n1500ft-flow-novus-gosterge.jpg

N1500FT Flow Indicator - Panelmeter

Version N1500FT

48 x 96

Depth : 92 mm

Input 1


  • Dry Contact : 0,1-10 Hz
  • Pulse (NPN or PNP) : 0,1-50 KHz
Input 2 4-20 mA
Input 3

DI (Dijital Input)

(resetting totaliser)

Output 1 Pulse (0-100 Hz)
Output 2 4-20 mA Analog output
Output 3,4

Relay (2 relays)

on-off output for Alarm or control

Output 5 Rs485 Modbus
Power excitation

24 Vdc

for sensor



Display 2 rows 7-segment display
Power 100-240 Vac

Soru 1

Cevap 1

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